

LumiPay is a payment gateway service which is approved for all industries including high risk industries, originally focusing on the CBD industry LumiPay has now moved to focusing on the general e-commerce industry.  LumiPay can still provide high risk industries such as CBD an excellent service but also bring its own value, competing with the likes of Stripe on top rates for businesses.  Visit the site

LumiPay’s value lies in its acquiring bank contracts and the rates they have been able to acquire from them, splitting profit 50/50 with the bank rather than a standard set fee. 

Revenue Streams: 

  • Percentage of every sale processed via LumiPay

Stage of the Ecosystem: 

  • Processor for all The Poko Group platforms, our own sales will not have to be subject to additional processing fees as the money goes back into The Poko Group.
  • LumiPays main focus is on e-commerce processing and not solely focused on CBD industries.